Beyond MARCH


The Pararescue Approach to Rescue & Prolonged Field Care 1000 Miles from Anywhere




Tamar mission video from the talk’s introduction


Full version of the Tamar video including background information on the squadron and pararescue


Rescue Warriors - a series from the early 2000s covering indoc and other portions of the pipeline


Combat rescue / CSAR video compilation

Relevant FOAMed

PJ Medcast podcast episodes with in depth discussions and details on the Tamar mission

PJ medcast logo.png

Tamar Mission 1: Mission development and intel

Tamar Mission 2: Jumping, marine ops, boarding

Tamar Mission 3: Initial medical care, logistics

Tamar Mission 4: Medical care in detail


Also suggest you check out the webpage at for lots of education and information about and for pararescue.

PFC redo.png is the most comprehensive and up to date site for information, research, and protocols regarding prolonged / extended field care, particularly in the tactical environment.

The associated podcast is fascinating and educational as well.




Kosequat J, Rush SC, Simonsen I, Gallo I, Scott A, Swats K, Gray CC, Mason B. Efficacy of the Mnemonic Device “MARCH/PAWS” as a Checklist for Pararescuemen During Tactical Field Care and Tactical Evacuation. JSOM 2014;17(4):80-84.

Related PJ Medcast podcast episode - 108: Validating MARCH PAWS

Rush S, Boccio E, Kharod CU, D'Amore J. Evolution of Pararescue medicine during operation Enduring Freedom. Mil Med 2015;180(3 Suppl):68-73.

Lauria MJ, Gallo IA, Rush S, Brooks J, Spiegel R, Weingart SD. Psychological Skills to Improve Emergency Care Providers' Performance Under Stress. Ann Emerg Med 2017;70(6):884-890.

Related ERCast podcast episode (220) entitled: Just In Time Performance-Enhancing Psychological Skills