Posts tagged paramedic
Lessons in Crisis Management from the Precipitous Delivery of my Own Newborn

Since I unexpectedly delivered and resuscitated my own newborn, I’ve been processing this adventure over and over. There are some themes and lessons learned that stick with me, which can apply not only to this scenario, but also to other crises and unexpected situations, from which I hope others can benefit. Stay calm. Take charge. Do the basics well. Work with what you got. Run at what scares you. Debrief with all involved.

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Beyond MARCH: Rescue and Prolonged Field Care 1000 Miles from Anywhere

How would you, your team, or agency handle a situation where you not only had to access a patient far from anywhere, but then had to care for them for many hours, or even days, before exfiltration was possible?

This blog post summarizes the approach that US Air Force Pararescue uses for tactical medicine which is readily applicable to prolonged field care as well.

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