Operational EMS

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Team-Based Intubation

The role of the Dedicated Airway Buddy (D.A.B.)


Supplemental Videos

Full scale demonstration of Team Based preparation and intubation process in the prehospital setting

A great video lecture from Sydney HEMS on the nuts and bolts of prehospital/retrieval RSI

Full version of the cliff-side trauma RSI case shown in the talk. Watch and listen closely to the interaction between intubator and assistant.

Interesting and relevant FOAMed


Eric Levi's video of the effect of jaw thrust on laryngeal view https://twitter.com/drericlevi/status/902719306231775232?lang=bg



Greater Sydney Area HEMS blog - Pearls from the Airway Registry

Prehospital and Retrieval Medicine (PHARM) blog - Dr. Darren Braude cautions on use of the preloaded bougie

Prehospital and Retrieval Medicine (PHARM) blog - Bougie tips right here!



Operational EMS lecture notes for the talk Excellence in the Unexpected - lots of resources for performance under stress and training

Reuben Strayer's smaccDUB lecture entitled Leisurely Laryngoscopy - one of the best soup to nuts airway talks I've ever heard



Fuller D, Rothfield KP. Time for Hospital-Wide Standardization of Team-Based Airway Management Safety. ACEP Quality Improvement & Patient Care Section.

Research Articles


Corda DM, Riutort KT, Leone AJ, Qureshi MK, Heckman MG, Brull SJ. Effect of jaw thrust and cricoid pressure maneuvers on glottic visualization during GlideScope videolaryngoscopy. Journal of Anesthesia 2012;26(3):362-8.

Hwang J, Park S, Huh J, Kim J, Kim K, Oh A, Han S. Optimal external laryngeal manipulation: modified bimanual laryngoscopy. American Journal of Emergency Medicine 2013;31(1):32-6.

Lebowitz PW, Shay H, Straker T, Rubin D, Bodner S. Shoulder and head elevation improves laryngoscopic view for tracheal intubation in nonobese as well as obese individuals. Journal of Clinical Anesthesia 2012;24(2):104-8.



Bacon ER, Phelan MP, Doyle DJ. Tips and troubleshooting for use of the GlideScope video laryngoscope for emergency endotracheal intubation. American Journal of Emergency Medicine 2015;33(9):1273-7.

Burns B, Habig K, Eason H, Ware S. Difficult Intubation Factors in Prehospital Rapid Sequence Intubation by an Australian Helicopter Emergency Medical Service. Air Medical Journal 2016;35(1):28-32.

Prekker ME, Kwok H, Shin J, Carlbom D, Grabinsky A, Rea TD. The process of prehospital airway management: challenges and solutions during paramedic endotracheal intubation. Critical Care Medicine 2014;42(6):1372-8.

Wimalasena Y, Burns B, Reid C, Ware S, Habig K. Apneic oxygenation was associated with decreased desaturation rates during rapid sequence intubation by an Australian helicopter emergency medicine service. Annals of Emergency Medicine 2015;65(4):371-6.



Driver B, Dodd K, Klein LR, et al. The bougie and first-pass success in the Emergency Department. Annals of Emergency Medicine 2017;70(4):473-478.

Hodzovic I, Latto IP, Henderson JJ. Bougie trauma - what trauma? Anaesthesia 2003;58(2):192-3.

Jain A, Gray S, Mason J, Grock A. Saved by the bougie. Annals of Emergency Medicine 2017;70(4):479-482.

Mingo O, Suaris P, Charman S, Ferguson C, Patel A. The effect of temperature on bougies: a photographic and manikin study. Anaesthesia 2008;63(10):1135-8.



DeMaria S Jr, Berman DJ, Goldberg A, Lin HM, Khelemsky Y, Levine AI. Team-based model for non-operating room airway management: validation using a simulation-based study. British Journal of Anaesthesia. 2016;117(1):103-8.

Howarth D. Team working in airway crisis: role of operating department practitioner in management of failed intubations. British Journal of Anaesthesia 2016;117(5):553-557.